Filatura di Musica

Filatura di Musica is an early music polish ensemble specializing in renessaince and early baroque music performing it on historical instruments and in a high pitch a1=466 Hz. They also focus on a late baroque discover less knwon composers as Johann Christian Schickhardt, Jean-Féry Rebel, Anna Bon. The group cooperates with singers, baroque dancers and court balet like Cracovia Danza creating dance-music spectacles. Filatura di Musica invented the series concerts named: „Filatura w drodze” and is also a cooproducer of the Festival „Usłyszeć Architekturę” in Otwock Palace near Warsaw. The ensemble was a laureat of the polish programme: „Stage for the polish music” (National Institute of Music and Dance) performing in National Filharmonie in Warsaw. Besides that, they performed on various festivals in Poland like: Forum Musicum (Breslau), Organ and Chamber Music Festival in Częstochowa, Baroque Operas Festival Dramma per Musica in Warsaw or Goldberg Festival in Danzig. Filatura di Musica is a resident-ensemble of Galicia Summer Music Academy and in many production of Fundacja Krośnieńska im. Ignacego Paderewskiego like concerts „Filatura in Bieszczady mountains” performing in historic churches. Their first CD „Known and unknown canzonas. The Pelplin tablature. Adam Jarzębski” was nominated to the polish prestigious music award Fryderyk 2021.



Magdalena Pilch

Patrycja Domagalska-Kałuża
+48 506 223 409